Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sainsbury's is the Meijer of Scotland, and I love it. Probably because I'm ignorant of all its foibles and other nefarious dealings as a foreign mega-corporation. Nevertheless, I just got back from a bit of shopping, and of all the delightful organic produce and food products (including--drum roll--a new favorite food: a cereal (gasp!) that's basically shredded wheat (gasp! without chocolate and/or peanut butter!) filled with heavenly (organic) apricot goo...mmmm) and organic soaps and organic, locally-grown q-tips (You're surprised? What sheep-related product ISN'T local in the wee sheep-ie country of Scotland? Although I could definitely see picking up some cotton swabs at the Scottish Wal-mart only to see "Made in Macao" printed on the back. They...they don't even HAVE sheep in Macao.*)

Well, I think the jet-lag is finally catching up to me. Or rather, the fact that I went to bed at 3 and got up at 7 is catching up to me. I had to slap myself in the face on several occasions today whilst doing some translation work (thankfully, Guido was not present during the face-slapping). So yes, I need to get with the time-zone, as they say. Which I can't even do in my usual time-zone. Ah, well... "You can take Elise out of the country, but you can't take the Elise out of Elise."**

*I stand self-corrected.
**Unless, like, I named one of my teeth "Elise". Then you could take it out of Elise. Or maybe a liver. Those are those things you have two of, right Bub? Mine is below my stomach and to the left of my body [inside joke. Teehee.] No, of course I know where my liver is-- it's where all the Talisker goes! Giddyup.