Saturday, June 26, 2010

"There Once Was a Girl From the States", or, "Hunger in Hungary"

There once was a girl from the States
Who didn't like foreign coin weights
She wielded a card--
T'wasn't meant to be hard
To get bills at the AMT rates

The girl flew down to Budapest
for a scholarly gig and some rest
she tried to get cash
from the cash machine stash
But dispensing bull suited it best

Alas and forsooth, she did find
herself Forint-less and consigned
to sup under par
in l'hotel lobby bar;
on peanuts and Cointreau she dined.

A miracle then did take place!
Next to her sat an old Irish face
Soon joined by a friend,
the two gents did intend
to merrily feast in short space

"To Liszt street," they bade her "do come--
A trio is a happy sum!
We'll pay for your meal
If you give us a spiel;
we've a philosophical green thumb!"

So in Limerick company went she
As pleased as a still-in-pod pea
To drink Chardonnay
At an outdoor café
And to banquet in old Hungary!