Monday, June 7, 2010

When Mondays feel like Mondays

Today I woke up and knew it was just going to be one of those days. You know. The days where no matter how much you try to think about all the good in your life you still feel unbelievably poo-ish. Maybe it was the gray skies. Or maybe it was feeling too keenly that everyone you love--heck, everyone you can sit on the porch, drink a beer and feel blue with for a while-- is at least 3200 miles away. I know-- trust me, I know how lucky I am. But at some point, no matter how many adventures one has, they only amount to so much if one is, well, just one. Maybe I'll borrow a puppy or a baby or something.

I tried to be positive about the gloomy day by leaving the office at about 3:00 and going for a walk through the Botanical Gardens and around Seaton Park. This, I decided, was a far better choice than crying into my pillow (how emo is that?) whilst eating lemon-flavored cookies (I ate 3 anyway) and watching re-runs of Britain's Got Talent (I start to wonder if it does...)

I took some pictures of the walk. And yeah, it really is this green.