Tuesday, June 15, 2010

American Populace Enthralled By Idea Of Getting Enthralled By World Cup

Oh how I love The Onion (from which I took above headline). It makes me miss the homeland.

I haven't written a real post in a long time. Part of that is because I'm working really, really, ridiculously hard and that diminishes the potential for boredom which diminishes the potential for adventures. I haven't even had my Obligatory Misadventure With Public Transport In A Foreign Country yet. Maybe something special awaits me in Hungary or Germany. I leave Scotland in exactly one week. ONE WEEK!

Also, I happened to have a very difficult weekend, and so haven't felt much like writing about anything uplifting because I've been feeling pretty rotten. In shambles, in fact. And being in shambles alone in a far distant country (no matter how green) is tough. Nay-- awful. So yeah. That's what's up. But you know, the sun is back today, for the first time in almost a week, and...what else. And I got to have a chocolate cookie at breakfast today, so there's that.

Though through these last few days I have had something of a revelation: when life gives you lemons, read The Onion. You can write that down.

Here's a smart-alecky little interactive feature from aforementioned news source, in line with the title of this post. I do enjoy how Americans are able to make fun of themselves. I think it's fairly unique, actually. At least I don't get that hearty sense of self-deprecation from any other nation. U. S. A. ! U. S. A. !