Thursday, June 10, 2010

International March Madness

The World Cup starts tonight, and you can feel it in the air. And by feel it in the air, I mean hear it in the air, and by hear it in the air, I mean it's freakishly quiet around town-- even the seagulls, those pestilent winged rats--are sleeping in to prepare for the next few weeks of literal non-stop footballing madness.

My two picks are (one must vote for the home country!) U.S. and the Netherlands. But more about all that later.

This is just a quick post to say that I've been really busy. Workin' 9 to 7, as it were. Almost no time for adventures this year in Scotland. But over the weekend I do have some going-out-and-about plans, so we'll see if we can't shake things up a bit. And I may post more later today. We'll see...

Second, I want to wish a happy belated anniversary to Brettski and JulieJules (though they are themselves in Paris at the moment!) I love you both. I'm indescribably happy with my approximately-twin brother's falling in love with a most incredible woman, who loves the Skeeter even though he eats raw garlic cloves and sometimes forgets to put verbs in sentences. Heck, she loves him FOR it.

Here are some pictures from the day way back when, because I like them and because I haven't taken new pictures of Scotland yet. (I especially enjoy the one of Gramp and Gramps. What *were* you guys doing?).

At last, a sister of my very own

Most handsome guy ever. The Maestro, my dad.