Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Once bitten, twice shy. Thrice addicted?

It seems likely. Round about February I got a terrible urge to travel to new lands, and thankfully the grant gods complied. For here I am on World Tour Numero Three-o. I'm in Aberdeen at the moment, but since two of the three destinations this summer happen to be within the erstwhile empire of Attila the Hun, I've dedicated the blog to him. Well, not really-- what with his lacking any moral compass whatsoever--but he IS in the title. Cheers for infamy?

Since the videos were a hit last year, I officially commence 2010's blog in like fashion:


  1. Elise - delighted by your world tour and the video was quite amusing. Hopefully you will convince Guido (?) of your genius and he will come to his senses. Hope you get some good fish and chips. Enjoy! Liz

  2. Yeah! Elise World Tour 3!! So glad you are blogging and love the video! Greta and Will are going to be so excited when I show them tomorrow :)

  3. Leesy!
    Great to hear from you- I too love the videos. You are a crack-up. Just make sure when you and Guido are discussing decoherence of structure that you stay coherent and that there are no weapons handy. (was that the luggage we gave you for your birthday? Ufdah!)

  4. This is from Greta to Elise:
    "I love you Elise. I got the video that sended me. I am so excited to see you when you come back. When are you coming home? I love you so much. We haven't found the surprise in the refrigerator yet. I hope you are doing well. Love Greta--and Will"
